Make the ATM the Centerpiece of your Bank at Work Program
On-site ATMs for local businesses are a great way for banks and credit unions to increase brand presence. But, when used correctly, they are also a step toward creating a community partnership that develops new accounts and revenue for the financial institution (FI) through Bank at Work programs. Here are a few keys to creating a successful program – using an ATM as the centerpiece of your program:
Be Visible. It’s no secret branded ATMs stand out from the crowd – generating a higher level of trust for users and developing brand recognition. What many FIs don’t realize is that the ATM is also an excuse to make on-site visits to partners, giving your representatives the opportunity to visit with HR and employees to discuss financial planning alternatives and other promotions.
Make Plans. Work with company representatives to plan events such as seasonal/holiday parties, financial planning classes and more to keep top-of-mind with both the business partner and employees.
Target Better. Arrange for surveys for current and/or new employer groups to determine financial needs of employees. Use this information to create a financial education and marketing plan that better fits your audience at partner locations.
Be Dedicated. Assign specific team members to specific locations. This technique allows branch personnel to become familiar with individual business partners and their employees – leading to higher levels of trust and commitment for all parties.
Use ATM Advertising Space. Create brochures, screens, wraps and toppers tailored to your locations. Customized advertising shows dedication through messaging and better targets individuals by location.
On-site ATMs are a big step in the door for financial institutions – communicating to a captive audience of current and prospective account holders. Partnering these dedicated brand billboards with a fun and comprehensive, employee-focused program both serves the community and develops greater brand loyalty. These simple tips can help any FI make the best of their Bank at Work program.